Men's Small Group
Bible Study
Feed Your Appetite | Restore Your Soul
It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of life, isn't it? There is always something to do. A post to read or write, an event to attend, a Netflix show to binge. But how much of your life is practiced intentionally? Actively setting aside time to do and be more? Feast & Faith is designed to be an intentional moment in your week to be a blessing to others and to be blessed by others as we share our food and partake in the goodness of God's word!
How it works:
Bring Some Food.
Something, anything. A bucket of chicken? - GREAT! A homemade casserole? - FANTASTIC! Walmart brand potato salad? - TOTALLY! You get the picture, just something to share with others as we celebrate God's good grace. If your in a rush and can't, no problem, come anyway. There is always more than enough!
Bring Your Bible.
After the meal we dig into the main course. The "Bread of Life", "The Meat of the Word", "The Milk of The Word". As believers of Jesus Christ we are called to dig into his word daily. This is an opportunity to get deeper into the Word. Each week there will be a lesson taken exegetically (verse by verse) in Scripture that will encourage, challenge, and enlighten the life of the Christian. If you don't own a Bible, then definitely come! You'll be getting one from us today!
Come Expecting Better.
It's hard for us to change. On our own we can change our behavior and see some peripheral improvement. What we want is more than behavioral modification. We want soul redirection. Isaiah 55 tells us that when God's word goes out it does exactly what God plans for it to do and He has given us His Word so that we might grow closer to Him, become more like Him, and see the world around us changed through Him! God loves us where we are, but the goal of His Word is to love us to where He is! Into a closer walk with Him.
The Book of 1 Corinthians - Study by Alan Perkins
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